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Selected papers
Pengfei Wang, Jinrong Jiang, Pengfei Lin, Mengrong Ding, Junlin Wei, Feng Zhang, Lian Zhao, Yiwen Li, Zipeng Yu, Weipeng Zheng, Yongqiang Yu, Xuebin Chi, Hailong Liu*, The GPU version of LASG/IAP Climate System Ocean Model version 3 (LICOM3) under the heterogeneous-compute interface for portability (HIP) framework and its large-scale application. Geosci. Model Dev., 2021:14, 2781–2799.
张留莹, 王鹏飞, 张峰, 刘海龙, 林鹏飞, 王涛, 韦俊林, 田少博, 姜金荣, 迟学斌. 海洋环流模式LICOM的GPU实现与优化. 数据与计算发展前沿, 2020.2(4),92-104.
王鹏飞,李建平,黄刚. 高阶Runge-Kutta-Li 算法对二维线性平流方程的计算检验. 气候与环境研究: 2019, 24(4), 417-429. doi:10.3878/j.issn.1006-9585.2019.18169.
Wang Pengfei, Li Jianping, Li Qian.Computational
uncertainty and the application of a high-performance multiple precision
scheme to obtaining the correct reference solution of Lorenz
equations. Numerical Algorithms. 2012, 59(1), 147-159. doi:10.1007/s11075-011-9481-6. wpf_2012a.pdf
BI Shu-Ting, WANG Peng-Fei*, PAN Xin-Nong, LI Chao-Fan. Understanding the dynamical mechanism of year-to-year incremental prediction by nonlinear time series prediction theory. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters. 2018 , 11(1), 71-77. doi: 10.1080/16742834.2017.1345278.
Wang Pengfei. A High-Order Spatiotemporal Precision-Matching Taylor--Li Scheme for Time-Dependent Problems. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences: 2017, 34(12) ,1461-1471. doi: 10.1007/s00376-017-7018-1.
Shuai-Lei Yao, Jing-Jia Luo*, Gang Huang, Pengfei Wang. Distinct global warming rates tied to multiple ocean surface temperature changes. Nature climate change. 2017.7, 486-491 doi:10.1038/nclimate3304.
Wang Pengfei, Pan Xinnong. The reliable solution and computation time of variable parameters Logistic model. Theoretical and Applied Climatology: 2018,132,851-855,doi: 10.1007/s00704-017-2136-3.
丁兆敏,黄刚,王鹏飞*,屈侠.耦合模式ICM 模拟的近千年气候特征. 气候与环境研究: 2017, 22(6), 717-732. doi: 10.3878/j.issn.1006-9585.2017.16208.
Wang Pengfei. Forward Period Analysis Method of the Periodic Hamiltonian System. PLOS ONE: 2016 ,11(10) ,e0163303. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0163303.
王鹏飞,毕淑婷. 集合平均方法减小混沌系统计算误差的效果研究.气候与环境研究, 2016 ,21(5) ,557-566. WANG Pengfei, BI Shuting. Study on the Ensemble Mean Method in Reducing the Numerical Error in Chaotic Dynamical System. Climatic and Environmental Research (in Chinese), 2016,21(5):557-566,doi:10.3878/j.issn.1006-9585.2016.16003.
王鹏飞*,温冠环,黄刚. 集合平均所构成的动力系统及其特性研究. 大气科学学报: 2014 ,37(6) ,723-731. Wang Pengfei*, Wen Guanhuan, Huang Gang. An approach for analyzing the ensemble mean from a dynamic point of view. Transactions of Atmospheric Sciences,2014,37(6). 723-731.
HUANG Ping, WANG Pengfei, HU Kaiming,HUANG Gang, ZHANG Zhihua, LIU Yong and YAN Bangliang. An Introduction of Integrated Climate Model (ICM) developed by CMSR and Simulated Influence of El Nino on East Asian-Western North Pacific Climate. Advances in Atmospheric Science, 2014, 31(5): 1136-1146. doi: 10.1007/s00376-014-3233-1.
Wang Pengfei, Liu Yong , Li Jianping. Clean numerical simulation for some chaotic systems using the parallel multiple-precision Taylor scheme. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2014,59(33):4465-4472, doi:10.1007/s11434-014-0412-5
Liao Shijun, Wang Pengfei. On the reliable long-term simulation of chaotic solutions of Lorenz equation in the interval [0,10000]. Sci China Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy: 2014, 57(2),330-335. doi:10.1007/s11433-013-5375-z.
Qing Bao, Pengfei Lin, Tianjun Zhou, Yimin Liu, Yongqiang Yu, Guoxiong Wu, Bian He, Jie He, Lijuan Li, Jiandong Li, Yangchun Li, Hailong Liu, Fangli Qiao, Zhenya Song, Bin Wang, Jun Wang, Pengfei Wang, Xiaocong Wang, Zaizhi Wang, Bo Wu, Tongwen Wu, Yongfu Xu, Haiyang Yu, Wei Zhao, Weipeng Zheng, Linjiong Zhou. The flexible global ocean-atmosphere-land system model, spectral version 2: FGOALS-s2. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences,2013,30(5): 561-576.
王鹏飞,李建平,丁瑞强,黄荣辉. Lorenz系统误差方程的吸引子特性研究,气候与环境研究,2012,17(5):574-582. Wang Pengfei, Li Jianping, Ding Ruiqiang, Huang Ronghui. Studies of the Attractor Property of Error Equations for the Lorenz System. climatic and environmental research, 2012,17(5):574-582.
王鹏飞,黄荣辉,李建平. 数值积分过程中截断误差和舍入误差的分离方法及其效果检验. 大气科学,2011, 35(3):403-410. Wang Pengfei, Huang Ronghui ,Li Jianping. Separation of truncation error and round-off error in the numerical integration and its validation. Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences(in Chinese),2011,35(3):403-410.
王鹏飞. 多精度计算和区间分析方法在科学计算中的应用. 南京气象学院学报. 2009,32(2):172-181. Wang Pengfei. Multiple precision computing and interval analysis for scientific computation. Journal of Nanjing Institute of meteorology (in Chinese). 2009,32(2):172-181.
王鹏飞 李建平 顾雷. 气候数值模拟研究中初始场衰减理论的理解和应用. 气象学报,2009,67(2),218-226. Wang Pengfei, Li jianping, Gu Lei. Understanding and application of the decay theory of initial condition effect in numerical climate simulation studies. Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 2009,67(2),218-226.
王鹏飞,王在志,黄刚. 舍入误差对大气环流模式模拟结果的影响,大气科学,2007,31(5):815-825. Wang Pengfei, Wang Zaizhi and Huang Gang.The Influence of Round-off Error on the Atmospheric General Circulation Model. Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences(in Chinese),2007,31(5):815-825.
Wang Pengfei, Huang Gang and Wang Zaizhi. Analysis and Application of Multiple Precision Computation and Round-off Error for Nonlinear Dynamical Systems,Advances in Atmospheric Sciences ,2006,23(5),758-766.
王鹏飞,王在志. 大气环流数值模式的一种并行化方案,大气科学,2006,30(3):519-525. Wang Pengfei,Wang Zaizhi. A Parallelization Scheme for Atmospheric General Circulation Model. Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences(in Chinese),2006,30(3):519-525